Register your interest

Want to keep in touch and hear more about the 2025 Herts Business Show?

Then simply register your details here and we'll keep you up-to-date with all the latest news and up to date information as soon as it becomes available.

Five things you'll gain from the 2025 event...


Our speakers and business experts will provide you with great insight and inspiration throughout the day.

Advice from Experts

Our 'Ask the Experts' drop in area will have expert business people available to answer your burning business questions.

New Business Connections

Networking and connecting with other like-minded people is a key part of your business success so there'll be loads of opportunities to meet others and grow your network.

New Ideas

Creativity in life is about saying yes to new ideas - and they'll be loads of opportunity to gain new ideas throughout the day.


Get insights and advice from a range of business owners who have successfully grown and scaled their businesses.

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